Managing Grief & Loss

Helping to Endure the Quitting Times

Our Mission Statement

It is my passion to share Managing Grief & Loss classes with people that are hurting due to the loss of a loved one and things that matter to them.
Whether it is a sudden tragedy with its overwhelming grief or the heavy sorrow that comes with a long-goodbye due to a lingering death such as one battling cancer, people need to process the loss and the emotions that accompanies it. It is especially tough on folks that are dealing with a tragic death by suicide. The guilt and the second guessing of the “what ifs” can become emotionally paralyzing if it is not dealt with through a healthy process of grieving.
I have partnered with the local jails and continue to hold weekly classes for those who are incarcerated. I also meet with citizens in places like their local community center. It is my heart’s desire to help others that have hit this roadblock in their life to become more productive citizens and have the knowledge, tools, and training to begin to heal from these unexpected storms of life.

Chaplain Terry Haddock


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please send to
PO box 1993
Chesapeake VA